In the internal security system, the Federal Police performs extensive and varied police tasks, especially in the areas of border protection, rail police and aviation security.
As part of these tasks, the Federal Police is active in the fight against crime. With around 41,000 employees, of which more than 30,000 are law enforcement officers, the Federal Police is a highly effective police force available nationwide. It is represented at over a hundred locations and is present at all important traffic points in Germany. This enables the Federal Police to react flexibly to all major situations and to carry out their police duties in Germany.
The Federal Police works closely with the police and other security authorities as well as with many foreign border authorities. The Federal Police perform police duties for the United Nations (UN), the European Union (EU) and other international organizations worldwide. It supports the Federal Foreign Office in protecting German diplomatic and consular missions. Over 500 civil servants are deployed as advisors and experts in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa and in crisis regions around the world.